Threats to Our Trees in Bradford Woods
Invasive Insects and Diseases in Bradford Woods
- Asian Long-Horned Beetle
- Emerald Ash Borer
- Elongate Hemlock Scale
- Gypsy Moth
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid
- Oak Wilt
- Viburnum Leaf Beetle
DCNR’s complete web page of Forest Insect and Diseases can be found here:
Invasive Plants in Bradford Woods
- English ivy
- Garlic Mustard
- Honeysuckle
- Japanese and Giant Knotweed
- Japanese Stiltgrass
- Japanese and European Barberry
- Multiflora Rose
- Oriental bittersweet
- Privet
DCNR’s complete web page of Invasive Plant Fact Sheets can be found here: