My Backyard Woods

My Backyard Woods: Our vision for our community is to have healthy woods, with a healthy ecology, for all current and future Bradford Woods residents to enjoy. To accomplish this, the Conservancy strives to help all residents to better understand and learn to manage the trees, plants, and wildlife on their own properties.

To that end, since 2014, and with the help of the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, we have organized free property visits with our Allegheny County Foresters for home owners who want to learn more about existing and potential threats to their home and property, native and invasive species, and landscape management.

Our Goals include:

  • Help residents to manage the woods on their property through stewardship and sustainability
  • Manage Invasive Plants & Insects
  • Reduce deer damage on public and residential properties
  • Educate our children about the natural world
  • Create a welcome environment for birds and other beneficial wildlife
  • Strengthen Borough zoning ordinances
  • Educate Residents of their Rights with regard to Utilities
  • Enhance Property Values
  • Maintain the “quiet, bucolic atmosphere” of Bradford Woods

MBW Resources